Understanding how medication adherence measured by Proportion of Days Covered is the foundation for enabling optimal results
Understanding how medication adherence measured by Proportion of Days Covered is the foundation for enabling optimal results
Medications and falls are related. Knowing just how they are can help you keep yourself or your loved one safer.
LLS is a global leader in the fight against blood cancers through research, education and support, and policy and advocacy. Their mission is to “cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.”
Understanding how medication adherence measured by Proportion of Days Covered is the foundation for enabling optimal results
Using one pharmacy for filling your prescription medications comes with benefits, especially for people who take multiple medications.
OASIS M2020: Management of Oral Medications measures outcomes and helps patients independently manage their medications.
We are taking proactive steps to provide seamless pharmacy care to our patients in the areas impacted by Hurricane Ida.
Part of medication safety and an important part of taking care of yourself is talking to your pharmacist about your prescription medications.