CMS Encouraged to Ensure Access to Chronic Care Pharmacy Services for Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries
ExactCare recently responded to a request for information by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding the future of the Medicare Advantage program, advocating for improved access to comprehensive long-term care pharmacy at-home services for Medicare members who want to age in place.
Innovative long-term care at-home pharmacy models, like the one ExactCare has pioneered, expand access to a higher-touch model of clinical pharmacy care to Medicare members regardless of care setting. This especially enhances access in the home setting for people with complex medical needs—who often need assistance with activities of daily living, have had recent SNF or hospital stays, have multiple prescribers and are experiencing polypharmacy.
Comprehensive long-term care at-home pharmacy models provide support to keep people healthier, prevent unplanned admissions, and enable them to be more independent and remain in their homes longer.
In its comments, ExactCare addresses persistent regulatory barriers and ambiguities within Medicare Part D regulations that limit access to at-home pharmacy care delivery models for patients with complex—institutional level of care—needs. ExactCare asks CMS for two clarifications within Medicare Advantage Part D regulations to address these access issues and enable expanded access to Medicare members whose health and well-being would benefit from this type of support.