Tips for Choosing a Pharmacy if You Take Multiple Prescriptions
Choosing a pharmacy is a decision that should be made carefully, especially if you take multiple daily prescription medications. How your pharmacy supports you can make a difference in your quality of life.
Choose a Pharmacy That Can Support Your Specific Needs
Not all pharmacies provide the same services and level of support. It’s important to choose a pharmacy that can meet your specific needs while helping you stay safer and healthier. You may benefit from using a pharmacy that takes a more active role in your care.
Below are some common issues people have when they take multiple daily medications and how a pharmacy can help.
Issue: You struggle to pick up your medication refills on time
Solution: Have your medications delivered all at once on the same day
Instead of going to the pharmacy to pick up multiple prescriptions throughout the month, have them delivered. You won’t have to worry about remembering to get them or how you will get there. This is especially helpful if it’s hard for you to leave the house.
Look for a pharmacy that can send all your medications to you at the same time every month. To do this, they will need to line up your prescription refill dates. This pharmacy service is often called “med sync.” [Read more about the benefits of med sync here.]
Issue: You have questions or concerns about how your medications are working
Solution: Have a pharmacist review your medications regularly to look for possible risks to your health
Clinical medication reviews are an important part of making sure you stay healthier and safer. When a pharmacist is able to review everything you take, they are better able to find potential issues. This includes prescription drugs, non-prescription medications, vitamins and supplements.
These reviews are easier for the pharmacist to do if you use one pharmacy. It allows the pharmacist to work from a complete and current medication profile. [Read more about why it’s important to use one pharmacy here.]
Most pharmacists will do a medication review upon your request, but you can find some that will perform them more proactively.
Issue: You aren’t 100% sure how to take your medications and are afraid you might make a mistake
Solution: Have your medications packaged in a way that helps you take them as directed
Even if you have already been told how to take your medications, it’s not always easy to remember. It can be even harder if your medications change frequently or if you take a lot of medications every day.
Find a pharmacy that packages your pills in a way that helps you take them as directed. This could be a blister pack or a pill packet, for example. Both of these options organize pills by day and time so you can easily tell when you should take them.
How Can You Tell if A Pharmacy is Credible?
To help ensure the pharmacy you choose is trustworthy, check for the following as you do your research:
- Does the pharmacy require a valid prescription from a doctor or other licensed prescriber?
- Is the pharmacy licensed by your state board of pharmacy or equivalent state agency?
- Is there a U.S. state-licensed pharmacist available to answer your questions?
- Does the pharmacy have a location within the U.S?
To be safe, stay away from any pharmacy that doesn’t meet these terms.
Are You Ready to Switch to a More Hands-On Pharmacy?
ExactCare is a licensed pharmacy that helps people who take multiple medications and see multiple doctors. We make it easier for you to take your medications as directed and work to keep you safer and healthier. Find out more about what we do here or call 1-844-287-1609 to talk to a pharmacy representative.