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Answers to Common Medication-Related Questions

Ask an ExactCare Pharmacist

Everyone has questions from time to time about their medications. Your pharmacist is a great resource to help answer these types of questions! Pharmacists are the medication experts on your healthcare team. They have extensive education about medications, how they interact with one another, and how they can support your health. Here, we provide some answers to common medication-related questions featuring one of ExactCare’s own clinical pharmacists, Reeya Patel, PharmD, BCMTMS.


Reeya Patel, PharmD, BCMTMS

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What’s the difference between prescription and nonprescription medications?

Prescription medications are prescribed to you by a doctor. Nonprescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medications can be purchased without a prescription from your doctor.

What do prescriptions and OTCs have in common?

  • These can both be effective. It depends on the severity of your condition.
  • Both are FDA-regulated just with different regulation processes.
  • Prescription medications must be proven safe by the FDA before being released. Some OTC medications like supplements do not. Learn more about the safety requirements.

How are prescription medications different?

  • Your doctor or pharmacist monitors this medication.
  • The dosage is specific to your needs.
  • These are usually stronger.

How are OTC medications different?

  • Typically used in short periods.
  • Treats mild health problems.
  • Has a lower potency.

It is important to always speak to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any OTC medication. This will ensure it is safe to take with your other medications.

If you are an ExactCare patient and have questions about your medication, give us a call at 1-877-355-7225. Our pharmacists are here to help!



Information featured on the ExactCare website, including the Ask a Pharmacist page, should not be considered medical advice. Please consult your pharmacist or doctor for advice regarding your personal health situation. If ExactCare is your pharmacy, call us directly to talk to your pharmacist: 1-877-355-7225


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